A family finds this is not their regularly scheduled program

“Where’s Dad?” Hannah asked.

“He’s on a call, fighting with the contractor-“

“Not fighting. Negotiating!” Dale called in from outside.

Angela looked at Hannah and mouthed “Fighting” with a smile. She looked around the room.

“Oh, good! You got all the boxes out Westbrooke?” she called out to them.

“Yup,” they replied.

“That’s great! Thank you, Scottie!” Angela said as she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

Scottie shyly cast an eye to Hannah as she glared at him once more, subtly shaking her head.

“And thank you too, Hannah,” Angela laughed.

“You bet, Mom,” Hannah said, saluting her with her chopsticks.

Angela smiled. “What you watching?”

“Nothing,” they both mumbled.

“Just The Munsters,” Hannah said.

“Oh, fun!” Angela replied. “You know, when I was a kid I wanted to be just like Lily.”

An image of their family in the show popped into Scottie’s mind, but in this one, Scottie sat naked on the couch while his mother was dressed in Lily Munster’s gothic dress, hair dyed black and white, crawling to him with this look of lust. Slowly, she slithered up between his legs, dragging her tongue up his erect…

Scottie started choking on his broccoli.

“Jesus, Scottie,” Hannah said as she kicked him.

“Everything alright, Bud?” Dale called as he entered carrying a large brown bag.

Scottie coughed and coughed but gave a thumbs up.

“Good to hear,” Dale said as he walked behind the couch. Some considered him the perfect example of a man in between generations. He was taller than Angela, and still somewhat fit, but the slightest hint of a gut was starting to show. He kept a short beard, trimmed very short, with slight hints of grey at the temples. Hannah had once told Scottie that the moniker “Silver Fox” would likely someday be applied to their father.

“Wow, kids, you both did all this?” Dale said, looking around at the piles of boxes.

Angela beamed. “They did, indeed.”

Hannah nodded. “Most are in the garage.”

“Good work, you two,” he said, then raising his bag. “Anyone hungry? We picked up some Greek.”

The rest of the evening was mostly uneventful. The siblings shared their success with recruiting the frat boys to help with the move but omitted their findings when curiosity got the best of Scottie. After dinner, Dale and Angela curled up on the couch to finish a movie they had started. The news of this plan brought a big knot in Scottie’s stomach, but luckily, the blue-ray player started without issue.

As Scottie said his goodnights, he found Hannah waiting for him at the top of the stairs.

“We need to talk,” she said and nodded in the direction of her room.

Like conspirators, the two slipped into her sanctuary and Hannah closed the door behind them.

“You have to get rid of it,” she said.

“What? Why?” Scottie was taken aback.

“I shouldn’t have to explain it, but it’s weird and gross, and-“

“First off, that was only with one channel. And second, you were the one who chose unrestricted content.”

Hannah’s voice began to raise. “Yeah! I did! And I didn’t know that it meant we’d-“

“Shhh,” Scottie whispered.

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