A new invention leads to Mother Son incest

A new invention leads to Mother Son incest… Dr. Amanda Ledgard stood in the lab with her notepad and pen. She observed the patient, a naked male, who was her test subject for the afternoon.

A small cylindrical device was placed over his fully erect penis. Buttons were pushed, and within moments, he began to moan. A few more moments passed and he withered in pain and pleasure. It wasn’t long before his knees buckled and he nearly collapsed. His orgasm was hard and he looked like he was in agony, but once he recovered, it was clear that he more than enjoyed it.

“Looks like we have another success on our hands,” the assistant stated.

“It appears so,” Dr. Ledgard replied.

The doctor took notes as the male subject regained his composure. The test was a success and something revolutionary was created.


“So how do you feel about creating the most realistic sex toy ever made?” the young female reporter asked during the sit down interview.

Dr. Ledgard smiled, “It’s a flattering comment. The study of human sexuality has always been of particular interest to me throughout medical school. My main passion in life has always been helping others. That’s always been my drive. I never thought I’d ever find myself at the forefront of the sex industry, but here I am. It’s my own way of making a difference in life.”

“You’re well known amongst your peers for having a keen intellect. So how would you address the critics who say that you’re wasting your talents with the sex industry, as opposed to doing something that benefits society?”

“It’s understandable that some would feel that way,” Dr. Ledgard noted with stride. “But in the end, I feel that I am making a difference for the betterment of society. I’ve always been a firm believer of the health benefits of sex. So by creating a product which can simulate the feelings of an actual sexual encounter, I believe that we’ll have a population that’s much more stress-free in their everyday lives.”

The reporter’s eyebrow rose while holding up the cylindrical shaped device in her hand.

“You’ve got no disagreements with me there Doctor,” she smiled. “So how exactly does this thing work? It certainly looks interesting.”

“Well, this particular version is for men. It’s easy to use and it’s shaped like a penis pump obviously. The male subject would simply place his erect penis inside, and all he would have to do is switch it to whatever setting he wants, and enjoy. The results have been spectacular.”

“Any update on a female version?” the reporter asked, holding back a playful grin.

Dr. Ledgard winked. “Coming to a store near you. We plan on rolling out a variation of different models of these devices within the next year for men- hopefully for women soon after.”

“I can’t wait. With all the buzz this device is getting, no pun intended, it’s sure to be a hit. It certainly must be exciting for you to be the person who single handedly brought sexual pleasure to the forefront of mainstream news.”

“Well frankly, sexuality is somewhat of a complex notion. It’s something that’s essential for human life, yet as a society, we like to run away from it. So to answer your question, yes, I find it exciting that sex is in the news for a positive reason.”

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