American Mom is blessed by an Indian Goddess

I am only five minutes late to school. My students greet me and we begin the day’s Science lesson. The day passes slowly and I struggle and fail to keep the horrible thoughts out of my mind. Images of my dream lover come and go. I envision myself being brutally fucked by him, unable to see his face until at the moment of orgasm my eyes open wide as I cum and then I can see his face — my son’s face, Jeff’s face twisted in a deliriously happy expression as he cums inside me. My students sense my distraction, my troubled spirit and bless their little hearts, they are as good as gold.

I maintain my composure until classes are over and they run out to play or go home. I break down and begin crying, increasingly more intense until I am almost hysterical. Suddenly, my door opens and in walks another teacher — my best friend, Ramita. She teaches Mathematics at the school and her son, Bimal is Jeff’s best friend.

“Christine, I would like to go over the plans for the tests next…” Ramita’s voice trails off as she sees me sobbing at my desk. In an instant, Ramita is by my side, kneeling and taking me by the hands. “Oh, Christine! Whatever is wrong, my dear? What can I do to help?”

I fall into my friend’s arms and just cry. Ramita’s arms wrap around me, comforting me and making me feel safer just for her presence. I cry for a long time before it peters out with sniffles. Ramita finally lets me go, her sari wet with my tears. She pulls over a chair and sits close to me, taking my hands and softly asking, “Christine, how can I help you? Should I go summon Joseph?”

This makes me want to cry again. “I can’t talk to Joseph, he thinks I’m awful as it is!” I say in a halting, gasping voice. I tighten my grip on her hands. “Ramita, I think I’m losing my mind.”

Ramita cocks her head and she looks at me curiously with her deep brown eyes. “Losing your mind? Christine, you are the most level headed person I know. Surely whatever is troubling you, we can deal with it, yes?” She reaches over and hugs me. In my constant state of arousal, I am more aware than ever over her physical presence, especially as her massive bosom presses against my own smaller breasts. I feel a fresh spurt of wetness within my lust filled cunt. I am embarrassed and appalled at my sexual response. “Tell me what is wrong, Christine and I will help you,” she whispers in my ear.

Suddenly the words just begin to gush out of me. “It’s these dreams, Ramita! I’ve been having these crazy sex dreams every night and I can’t get them out of my head and I’m thinking crazy stuff all the time — seeing this man’s cock and I’m constantly horny, um, I mean I’m aroused thinking about sex all the time and thinking all these unnatural thoughts about…about…” I can’t bring myself to say anything about Jeff and the terrible images in my head. Ramita is looking at me oddly and I think she’s thinking I’ve gone mad too. “Every night, it’s the same thing. A faceless man about to fu-fuck me and then that lovely voice telling me I’m the chosen of Danteshwari and I see his…”

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