An UnCivil Woman in the Civil War

a spy for the guerrillas. She did not deny the same and cursed terribly,

vowing what she would do if ever released. I directed that she should be

sent to Wheeling, where she was confined until December 1861, when General

Rosecrans made his headquarters in this city. I called upon her to see if

any change had taken place in her disposition but found her as bitter as

ever. General Rosecrans had her brought before him when she abused him well

with her tongue and he ordered her back to jail. Shortly before General

Fremont assumed command of the Mountain Department General Rosecrans

directed me to send Mary Jane Green to her home in Braxton County with the

hope and expectation that the Union troops would shoot her. I released her,

gave her transportation and in a very short time she was returned to me

having been caught in the act of destroying the telegraph line near Weston,

Lewis County, Va. This was in May 1862. On her arrival here she took sick,

refused to take medicine and came near dying. This seemed to cool her

somewhat and since August last she has professed penitence. She is an

ignorant creature, but at times has the ferocity of a perfect she-devil

about her. I cannot advise her release and respectfully suggest, as in the

case of Marian McKenzie alias Harry Fitzallen, reported to you December 24

and 25 (to which I have no reply*), that she be sent if possible to some

house of refuge or detention and be held there until the end of the

rebellion. I omitted to say that in April last before I sent her home I let

Mary Jane Green out of jail on parole and got her a place to work with a

family here, but owing to her bad temper and conduct I was obliged to place

her again in custody. Her three brothers are now guerrillas.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major and Provost-Marshal-General.

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