Brother filled pussy by blood

Brother filled pussy full of blood

Hi, I am Nina (nick name). I am from a big joint family and I am too a reader of S4S. I have completed my 12th sci from a good college. My family consists of 17 members. This is my first time to express my experience with my big brother “the night on the step day of my marriage”.

Writing in front of you after 11 months of my marriage. I have been married on 10th august 2005 with a well developed well fine doctor.

Okay here is my story…

I was working in mnc bpo company as a live supporter agent in pune, xxx technology. Our team members were satisfied on my skills, because I was expert touch typist and having good communication skills. I am just 24 years old.

Last year I was 23 and they handled the subscribed job to my home place, providing me pc and connection with studio, cause of some family restriction…..

I was engaged on July 10th and as on engagement ceremony, marriage date was fixed right after 1 month. I was too excited and frightened to see any male’s penis in my life, but I was unsuccessful. Just seen on net. I just want to see the real penny of any guy, boy, anyone and that was my target in the life.

I was unsatisfied that may be I will die without seeing the same… And when my marriage was fixed I was totally humbled that the days have come in my life, but was so frightened about having sex firstly in my life with an unknown partner.

I was totally, fully, sad that what will happen on the first day of my night. Questioning myself from the date of engagement over my home from morning to evening and full night, anytime, anywhere, while working, while eating, even while sleeping.

I can’t mention in my words the thinking. The days were coming near and near.

My big bro. Bony was male beauty parlor technician, was well qualified and uses to fulfill all my needs in my life from school to college. He was married with a young dance teacher which was from our city too. Hence she was pregnant she has gone to her home for rest.

(She will come on marriage date) and my brother was having one shop of beauty parlor attached to our native residence place, where no ladies were allowed. He was nearly 6″ tall with good personality and was national player of hockey (means he was athletic).

Many of the colonies girls were trying to make friendship (love ship) with him, but he was too good and faithful and uses to think not to loose anybody’s life (especially girls). In short to tell he was totally physically fit for any women (any women).

Anyone though actress would also give her life to him, that much good he was through externally as well as internally.

Coming to the story, the day came which was 8th of august 2005 step day before my marriage. My facial and scrubbing and the other things which are done before marriage was going too held through my brother on that day. Cause he was good technician.

He suggested to all our parents that it is better to get those all sorts of pre-beauty aging in shop but after shop closing time (it means after 10 o clock). Ok. Whole day I stayed with my relatives who were here from many places for my marriage ceremony.

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