Dominating a gay

Hello there, This is M.Marx . First of all I’m going to tell about myself. My age 24, height 6 feet , weight 84kg fair skin  , 6 inch size and 4 year of experience.

I’m from Gurgaon , India 

I’m straight guy  but I have no problem in dominating a gay person. I’m dom like everything in dom side . 

And my limitations is anal sex , kissing ( with male)

In this story I’m going to tell you about a real story of person whom I dominated in hotel. 

At first we contacted on telegram. His name is Gulam(given by me during chat) age 28 ,  height 5’7  , good looking educated guy . During chatting ,We decided to meet each other. He is from Delhi . And I have no place for these things. So we decided to do these things in hotel in gurugram on Sunday. From morning to evening. So met each other infront of hotel. I asked him are u ok with this , He replied “Yes sir I’m craving for this ” we entered hotel . He booked a room and we entered in room . First we make sure that there were no hidden camera. Situation is awkward. I sat on bad (king postion) . He is still standing and looking to ground bowing his head . I take deep breaths and said 

Kneel down. He did so , i looked in his eyes and commanded him to bark . He said bhau in very low volume. And I slapped him hardly . Then I grabbed his chin lift his head and asked who are you. He replied I’m your dog master . Then I commanded him to undress his all dress . He did and the sat like he begging. Bowing down his head and face to the ground . Then I asked him to look into my eyes and open you mouth. He opened his mouth wide . I’m staring in his eyes then I spitted in his mouth. Approx five times his mouth is full of my spit. Then ordered him drink my spit . He drank all , there was a joy in his face like he got reward. Then I slapped him again.  And commanded him to kiss my shoes and open shoe by mouth. I don’t expect this . But his first start sniffing my shoes kissed my like he doing french kiss to my sneakers. Then he grapped shoe laces through his teeth removed my both shoes . Like he is experienced in such act . Then he start looking into my eyes like a dog is waiting for his next order . I’m feeling very powerful and amazing. I said worship my feet and don’t stop until I say so . I picked my left feet in his both hand and start sniffing my socks. It’s very great feeling for me. And a put my right feet on his face and started sniffing and taking deep breaths through my socks.  I said what a pathetic puppy. By hearing this he started sniffing more violently. And then slapped through my feet on his cheek. And then he removed socks and started kissing my sole . What a amazing feeling I can’t describe by word . I don’t know how he felt. Surely he felt amazing

. Then started licking my feet. My whole both feet wet by his Saliva. And told him to suck my toes . First he put his tounge between each toe . Then he sucked each of them one by one . Then put my both toe thumb in his mouth and try to put my feet in his mouth completely and start gagging. And 1.5 hours passed. Still he licking my feet with full energy. I’m dick hard and his dick is also hard just by licking my feet. .

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