Donna falls for Priya, but things work out for everyone – Part 13

She lifted the papers in her hand and flipped through them and then she burst into tears as she sobbed through her explanation. “I’m really sorry Jack. I didn’t want you to find out this way. Priya told me I had to tell you. I just couldn’t bear to hurt you. I love you Jack, but I can’t marry you. I’m so sorry.” I kept right on packing as she apologized. She tried to press herself to me but I pushed her back and she sobbed harder. “You’re just gonna leave without saying anything?” I just glared at her and didn’t respond as I moved past her to my bureau. Then she hit me with the big guns, “What about your child?” That stopped me dead in my tracks.

I looked at her, as she wiped tears from her eyes. I said, “This was always just about getting pregnant, wasn’t it?”

Donna sulked and nodded as she said, “It started out that way, but then I fell in love with you. Sylvia and I have always preferred attractive women over men. We grew up thinking that it was wrong and at some point, we immersed ourselves in men hoping that we could change. Sylvia fucked anything with a dick and I wasn’t much better. Nothing changed but we came to like sex with men too. So, we labeled ourselves as bi-sexual and that had a better feel to it. I was genuinely ecstatic when you proposed. I thought maybe I could have it all: A husband that I loved with our child and my sister and the money. Then I saw Priya and I was in lust and then that night when she and Divi joined us. After that I couldn’t, I can’t, get enough of her. She was all I thought about and she feels the same way about me. She said she’d been fighting the urges for quite awhile but Divi seduced her earlier this summer and she was hooked.”

She stopped talking and moved toward me. She pressed herself to me but I couldn’t bring myself to bend down to allow her to kiss me. She stretched up on her toes and kissed me on the chin. I pulled that away from her too. With her face pressed to my chest and her arms around my back, she said, “I’d still love to have it all Jack. You and me and our baby and Sylvia and Priya and probably even Divi. We’ve discussed this amongst us girls but we haven’t talked with Divi. Priya confessed that she has been in love with you all summer but her own hang-ups kept you two apart.” That statement rang true.

I was too hurt to hear and process what she was saying. I pulled away from her and pushed my socks and underwear, that I never wore, into my suitcase. I was on automatic. I closed the suitcase and snapped it shut. Donna was frantic. Again, she said, “I love you Jack. I love the man you are. I love your sense of humor. I love your cock.” I smiled to myself, she was using all the ammo. She continued, “Give it a chance. Please. We could all fit comfortably in my house. It would be tight here or at Priya’s but if that’s what you want, we’ll make it work. Please Jack. I’d hate to lose you. Please. Give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

I was softening a little but I was hurt too badly to just say, ‘What the fuck, let’s give it a go.’ I wanted to hurt her back and when I picked up the suitcase and headed for the garage, she shrieked out, “NO. PLEASE JACK. DON’T GO.” She chased after me to the garage and tried to stop me from opening the rear door all the while pleading with me not to go. I eased her away from the door and put my bag on the backseat. I moved to the driver’s door and she planted herself to block me. I moved her away to the side and reached for the door handle.

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