Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor – Part. 6

The next morning was mostly the same as usual except Mini beat her brother into the bathroom. When Max pushed open the door and walked in, Mini was sitting on the toilet with a Playboy magazine that he had squirreled away in the back recess of the closet as his masturbation stash. He had his morning woody in his hand stroking it from end to end. He said, “Well, I guess I didn’t hide that real well did I.” (Read prev story Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor – Part. 5)

Mini looked up and spotted his cock standing out in front of him. Max was intentionally teasing her with it as he wagged it around in her face. Mini was awfully tempted but she wasn’t going to be baited. She looked back down at the magazine and said, “You don’t have much time before we have to leave an hour earlier than normal for your ‘detention’. She put double air-quotes on the word detention.

Max noted the sarcasm and wondered what Mini knew. He didn’t say anything more. She finished up and shoved the Playboy back in the closet where she had found it. She came up behind Max and reached around his waist and wrapped both hands around his cock and squeezed and then released it. She said, “I don’t know why you look at that magazine. Mom and I have just as good bodies as them and we’re real and right here and available for more than masturbation material.”

Max laughed and replied, “That magazine was put in there long before we started doing what we are doing now. I’d totally forgotten it was there. You’re right though. You and Mom and even Nadia is every bit as beautiful and sexy as anyone in Playboy. Maybe you and Mom should offer to pose for them together. That would be a first. Mother and daughter. Wow.” He pushed his way in toward the sink and brushed his teeth beside Mini doing the same.

We only had time for one shower, so we showered together and struggled with the urges to have sex under the cascading hot water. We were dressed and placing our cereal bowls in the sink when Mom came out to the kitchen. “Are you guys leaving early?”

Mini replied, “Yes. Ding-Dong here got detention for missing a class yesterday and it’s this morning of all times.”

Max piped in, “I didn’t miss a class; I was late for a class. Miss Anders can’t stay late so she called it for this morning.” He was hoping that the lie at the end of the statement wouldn’t get challenged by Mini. She had a talented BS detector so he didn’t say anything else. They both headed for the door yelling “Bye Mom. Have a nice day,” as Max shut the door behind him.

Thankfully, a two mile drive didn’t leave Mini much time for her BS detector to pick away at Max’s story. Mini tried though, “So, Miss Anders, huh? She’s pretty sexy, don’t you think. I hear all the guys rave about her ass in her tight skirts. She flirts a lot too, I hear.”

Max made his first fatal mistake when he answered, “I haven’t noticed.” He kept his eyes forward because Mini’s eyes snapped toward him when he said that. Her BS detector was going off with bells and whistles and flashing red beacons. Now she knew something was up and Max was trying to salvage the situation by staying quiet.

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