“What’s up?” Mariah inquired toward Jim.
“Marcus and his wife are in a really rough patch right now. I keep encouraging him to even the score, if ya get my drift.”
“Thanks for broadcasting my personal shit, dickhead.”
“What? I thought it was obvious.”
“You do have the look of a guy who hasn’t been laid in several months,” Mariah offered, looping her left hand in my right arm. “For what it’s worth, I think your wife is an idiot. You’re hot, and I’d bet money you’re the type of stud that’d curl any woman’s toes and leave her shaking,” she added, giving my bicep a firm squeeze.
“Uh, thanks,” I stammered, as I felt my cock give a big twitch in my boxer briefs.
“Keep the faith, hottie. Something good will happen for you soon,” she said, pulling herself a little closer into my side. I tried hard to suppress a shiver of excitement at her proximity and contact, with only moderate success, and she looked up at me with a mild smirk. I forced myself to quickly look away.
“So anyway,” I said, “what do you guys think of the conference so far.” Both Jim and Mariah snorted with laughter, seeing through my obvious ploy.
Dinner was fun, from every angle. Jim and Charlie hit it off like the oldest of friends, joking and flirting so much it was amazing. As we sat there, swapping stories and jokes and downing a couple more beers after dinner was cleared, it was obvious the way our little four top table was dividing, with the two of them increasingly into each other, and me and Mariah slowly leaning in. I was beginning to wonder if I should get out of there—my instincts were telling me that if I didn’t, I was likely to end up in that familiar dance—hey, why don’t you come to my room for a nightcap, oh, sure, but I can’t stay long, and then before you know it, your dick is in the girl’s mouth and you’re wracked with guilt. So, on the one hand, there was the pull of my still unresolved marriage, a long history, and my children—how could I reconcile losing all of that? On the other, there was this amazing creature I was drawn to, and the promise of bountiful and incredible sex. As we exited the restaurant, Charlie enticed Jim into a drink at her place, and we waved them off as she gave a cursory invite to join—it was pretty obvious Jim was getting laid that night, and I wasn’t about to cockblock. As we set back toward the hotel, the sun was slowly moving down, and Mariah suggested a walk on the beach, to which I readily agreed—I was enjoying the night, but also didn’t trust myself and felt like it would be a good idea to stay in public with this girl.
Oddly enough, when we got to the beach, it was starting to clear quite a bit, and only a few people remained, which was almost a bit creepy, but then I remembered we were on the eastern seaboard of the country, so without direct sun for the last hour plus, the temperature was no longer ideal for hanging out in just a swimsuit. “It’s nice, with it this quiet,” she said, leaning into my arm a bit.
“Yeah…” I said hesitantly.
“What’s a matter, stud? Don’t trust yourself not to rape me out here, alone-ish?”