“Umm…yeah, something like that, I suppose.”
“What’s really going on with you, anyway?”
“You don’t want to hear my problems,” I shot back.
“Try me. We’re probably not going to see each other after this week, so who am I going to tell?” I glanced at her for a few agonizingly long moments, scanning her face for any ulterior motives. I had no reason to distrust her, other than the fact that she obviously wanted to fuck me. But I also figured I needed a perspective beyond just Jim’s, too—I love the guy, but he’s a moron sometimes, especially with girls.
“It’s just weird. My wife and I, that is…” I began.
“How so?”
“Well, we’ve been together for a long time. Since college. We’ve got great kids, but when I started this business, our relationship took a back seat to being a father and CIO…”
“As it does so often…”
“Right. So, anyway, we started to have less time for each other. So she was only working part time, but then she decided that since the kids were old enough, she was going to go back into the workforce again, and she took a new job. But then, she met this guy at work, and they connected or some bullshit, and pretty soon she was making all kinds of excuses about going out with friends or the gym or whatever.”
“I think I see where this is going.”
“Duh. So I was kind of starting to wonder what was up, but of course you don’t want to think that. So I didn’t do any searching. But her computer is synced to her phone messaging account, and one day she leaves her laptop open as she dashes out the door, and it was a rare morning where I didn’t leave before her. And I’m sitting in the bedroom as it dings, having my morning coffee, and her computer is right there, and even though I tried hard not to look, it was right there…”
“What did it say?”
“Trust me, it wasn’t ambiguous at all.”
“What did it say?” she pressed.
“I can still smell your sweet pussy all over me from last night. Wish you could have stayed longer.”
“Yeah. So I flipped out, started looking through all her messages. Social media, programs, all of it. Her passwords were super easy to crack, the dog’s name plus a number, only took a couple of tries. And I saw it all. Six months of carnage. She tried to tell me it was a one-time thing, and she’s still maintaining that. But I know it wasn’t just that.”
“They never want to admit it.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Yeah, though mine wasn’t a very long-lasting relationship, only about 10 months. Plus it was two years ago. Anyway, go on.”
“Well, that’s pretty much it. I confronted her. We had a blowout. She yelled a lot, and I surprisingly didn’t much at all. She lied repeatedly and still hasn’t come clean. I slept at Jim’s the first night, then a hotel for a couple more, because I couldn’t bear to look at her. I came back to find out she’d taken the kids to her Mom’s. She threatened to move out. I threatened to rake her over the coals as the unfaithful party and make sure she got nothing in the divorce. Eventually, we established this very tentative truce. She suggested I sleep in the guest room, and I suggested she fuck off, so now there’s a distance between us in the bed you could fit two people in. We act like roomies, and we take care of our children like it’s a business partnership. Which I suppose it actually is. We haven’t even kissed since then. We’ve been seeing a therapist off and on, but it doesn’t seem like there’s much progress being made. I get angry because I spent all this time doing this shit for her, so we could have a bigger house and better things and all that crap, and she runs off and shags some dipshit like it’s nothing.”