It’s My Life – 29

He replied “I promised you long back that I would never bunk college so I did not. Someone passed away so they declared holiday today. That is why I am here”.

I felt so happy and thanked God for answering my prayers. I said “next time you call me before coming because I was about to go somewhere just now”.

In a pleading tone he said “aunty let’s repeat what we did today morning and then I will leave and you can carry on with wherever you wanted to go. Please…aunty”.

I thought in my mind, I was originally going to spend my morning with Sang and then settled for Rafiq to enjoy sex and here god dropped Bala right in my lap.

So why waste the opportunity. I seductively said “today morning you left your aunty high and dry. So why not you give me what I want and then I will give you what you want”?

Bala excitedly smiled and said “sounds like a very good deal to me aunty”. I kept his bag on the couch and pulled him to my bedroom. Even before I got on my bed I pulled off my nighty throwing it somewhere on the way.

I lay on my bed wearing just my bra and panties. Seeing me Bala also stripped naked and got in bed by my side. I hugged him sideways pulling him closer to me and asked “so how many women have you been with Bala”?

He shyly said “you are the first and the only one aunty”. I shot back saying “Bala now don’t give me crap and expect me to believe it. Tell me the truth”.

He replied “Aunty, I swear. You are the first and the only one. I don’t know why all the girls in college don’t find me interesting enough to even talk to. They just ignore me despite me being polite and respectful”.

I seductively said “well they are all very unfortunate because they don’t know what they are missing in life”. Bala nervously asked “if you don’t mind then can I touch these” signaling at my tits with his eyes.

I said “yes ofcourse. Aunty would love it if you do”. He ran his trembling palms over my bra cups before touching the exposed part. I asked “why are you so nervous Bala, they will not bite you and neither will I”.

He warmly smiled at me and said “I am not nervous aunty. This is the first time I am touching a woman’s boobs so…”. Letting him continue his touching, I asked “so since when have you been fantasizing about me Bala”?

He stopped looking at me, he said “aunty you might get angry if I tell you the honest answer”. I held his face and gave him a loving smooch just like in the morning.

After the kiss while still holding his face I said “Please understand Bala, aunty really loves you and will never get angry with you”. He gently said “since my puberty aunty. You have been the woman of my dreams ever since”.

Bala leaned forward to eagerly kiss me and I too joined. He was better this time and took more initiative by holding my face. After the kiss, his hands went back to gently caressing my boobs.

I asked “so you have been masturbating since then thinking about me”? He smiled and shyly nodded yes. To tease him, I jokingly said “maybe you should have come to aunty. We might have put this to good use” grabbing his big cock.

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