Beautiful girl deflowered

Hey guys this is my first story hereI am Nick and her name is Ananya I am 19.So this story is about 2 months old.I was desperate for an intimate moment after getting out from a toxic relationship.I started swiping on tinder .To my luck I met a beautiful girl not far away from my ... Read more

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Bdsm with girlfriend

Hi guys I’m nick and I’m a regular reader of S4S my average height is 6.2 and I have a dick of 7inches any girl who want’s to have fun can email me coming to story let’s start my girlfriend swati (name changed)used to live alone in her flat she had a big butt and ... Read more

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Sex with neighbour

I do exercises daily in the morning in my home balcony which was in the third floor. I like to keep my stomach flat and I am maintaining it even at the age of 35. There was a girl named, Niharika, stayed in a flat beside mine. Niharika must be 19 years old. She was ... Read more

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Beautiful girl deflowered

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