Mother, sister, brother, lover

“Mum, Robbie says you’ve not taken things any further while I’ve been away, so as I’m back, we can pick up again.”

“You’re still nor fully recovered and..”

“No ‘ands’ Mum, I can still enjoy things lying on the sidelines, you and Robbie have waited long enough, make love to him Mum, he deserves it and so do you.”

“Do I get a say in this?”

“Of course Robbie.”

“Good, as I see it we can take our time anyway, if it’s going to happen it will, so we don’t need to force anything do we? Good, so if the moment comes, we’ll enjoy it, so no pressure Mum, or you Julie.”

“Mum, make love to him now before my real brother gets back.”

“Careful, I get to do your strip wash!”

“Yes and remember it’s me that gets stripped not you?”

“Ok, Ok, I agree with you both, but to be honest, I ‘m really tired and I have to be in early tomorrow, so anyone want to come to bed with me now?”

“Both of us do, come on Cinderella, let’s get you upstairs.”

Robbie walked behind Julie and Sally followed having locked up.

Following Julie into the bathroom, Robbie carefully positioned himself to help her lower her bottoms and sit on the toilet. She finished and he handed her a tissue. Helping her stand he flushed the toilet and walked her to the handbasin. She washed her hands and face, cleaned her teeth and Robbie led her to their mother’s bed. Sally sat naked on the bed, rising she went to the bathroom. Julie held her arms up and Robbie lifted her top off, pulling her bottoms down slightly he perched her on the bed and lifted her legs alternately to remove the bottoms.

Sally came back and she and Robbie gently lifted Julie onto the bed. She smiled her thanks and Robbie pulled the duvet over her. Putting his arm round his mother he walked her to the other side of the bed and pulled the duvet back, she gratefully climbed in giving Robbie an intimate view of her firm arse. He smiled and turned to undress. Slipping into bed her turned the bedside light off. He felt his mother’s arm round him and he held her hand.

One Month Later


“I think it looks ok!”


“Julie it’s your choice, what do you want to do?”

They were sitting in the bed naked and Julie couldn’t decide whether to trim her pubic hair or leave it wild.

“It’s got beyond the itchy stage, so I don’t mind it growing now, but in the summer..”

“We’ll go to a nudist beach and it won’t matter.”

“Nudists shave.”


“I don’t know, but they do.”


“You’re cross aren’t you?”

“No, well yes, but not really, you choose. Whatever way you decide you’re going to look fabulous, trust me.”


“Yes you will.”

Julie jumped into Robbie’s lap.

“Sexy little brother, will you shave my pussy for me?”

“Hell no, what happens if I cut you, I’d be too scared, Mum will you do it?”




“What? Yes no you won’t do it?”




“Because what?”

“I don’t want to cut you either.”

“You’re both cowards I’ll do it myself.”

“Another hospital trip,”

“Shut up!”

Robbie and Sally sat quietly; disgusted Julie prised herself off Robbies lap and went to the bathroom.

Please wait…

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