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Brother-Sister discover more than the joys of sex together

S4SDec 1, 2021
“Both,” he said. She spun in his arms and kissed him. It was just a peck, but it felt more significant than the kind of peck a sister might give her brother. “Do you have to go back to your place tonight?” “I guess. I mean, I don’t have a bedroom here anymore.” “Mom and … Read more

Mom, Son, and her Sister reach a climax

S4SAug 22, 2017
“Well, now that it’s all out there, are there ground rules?” Jen asked. “Of course not,” Mom said. “Have there ever been?” Mom pulled Jen forward and then, to my surprise, kissed her. My mouth fell open as the two women kissed, pressing their naked bodies together, rubbing against each other. They fell onto couch, … Read more

The Great Sen Family : 7

satabdiSep 5, 2023
As Sanjay moved to the parking lot, he could hear muffled voices coming from the other side of the parking area. There were low voices which indicated a couple had slipped away from the Party. That’s when he noticed a couple was standing in a secluded, shadowed area of the yard. As he turned slightly … Read more

Sex with ex-wife’s sister

S4SJul 4, 2019
My ex-wife and her boyfriend came and sat down at the table. I assumed Robyn would stop but that only made her rub and squeeze a little harder. We were all making small talk after a few minutes they got up and asked if we wanted to go to the bar with them to get … Read more

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