Sleepygirl stories

We had just got our own place when my hubby jack had to start working doubles. He didnt like me being home by myself with the baby so he asked his dad to come stay for awhile. I didnt really care for him he would always stare at me with a grin. I had no … Read more

Forced then blackmailed

e had just got our own place when my hubby jack had to start working doubles. He didnt like me being home by myself with the baby so he asked his dad to come stay for awhile. I didnt really care for him he would always stare at me with a grin. I had no … Read more

A satisfied night

I was to go to my home town, I mean parental home. My mother in-law and myslf with my son live in a four bedroom flat. My husband works abroad. As my father in law expied three years back so I decided to stay with my mother in-law. She loves me very much. In our … Read more

A love story

A Long Love story (first experience) I am Rahul 26-year-old and live in a village in Tiruppur. I am working in NHAI and actually, I am from Kerala. I am residing in a rented flat, I reside on the first floor of the building and the ground floor occupied by a family hailing from Kodaikanal. … Read more

A Long Love story (First Experience)

A Long Love story (first experience) ————— I am Rahul 26-year-old and live in a village in Tiruppur. I am working in NHAI and actually, I am from Kerala. I am residing in a rented flat, I reside on the first floor of the building and the ground floor occupied by a family hailing from … Read more

My love story : reloaded

My Love Story (First Experience) I am Rahul 27 year old and live in Thekkalur, a rural village in between Tiruppur and Coimbatore. I am working in NHAI and actually I am from Kerala. I am residing in a rented BHK Flat. Actually I am resides in the first floor of the big House and … Read more

Seemas broken heart

Hello friends, I am Vikky from Jamshedpur. I hope you enjoy this story and I would love to have feedback Seema could not believe what she was looking at. Her father in law was banging her mother. While Suresh was pumping her like a machine, her mother, Malti was moaning like a bitch. She felt … Read more


I am Rahul 27 year old and live in Thekkalur, a rural village in between Tiruppur and Coimbatore. Iam woking in NHAI and actually i am from Kerala. I am residing in a rented BHK Flat. Actually iam resides in the first floor of the big House and the ground floor occupied by a family … Read more

Sister and aunty big boobs

Hi I am sandy from Delhi I completed my education and now I am doing job this was happened 3 years back when I am in 3rd year in this story I wanna introduce my sister shilpa and my aunty Victoria Ok lets go into the story I m 5.9 feet boy with7.5′ dick and … Read more

Ultimate Love with Nephew

Hii friends… My name is Nilima, This is a real experience of mine. This isn’t a story but a confession and few questions for which I want answers. I am a primary school teacher. I am 45 years old and an average looking lady with fair color. My husband died 4 years back due to … Read more

WIFE: The bitch and her lovers should pay

Tony’s grandparents immigrated from Sicily after WWll and they brought their customs and traditions with them. When his father, who was born in the States, fell for an Irish descent, both families did not agree and the lovers were outcaste. After their union, they left the big city and moved to a small town to … Read more

Secrets of Chowdhury Family : 7

Due to Supriyadevi’s absence, as she had to look after her ailing daughter in her in-law’s house, the naughty Sasur-Bouma ( FIL-DIL ) had the great scope to continue their taboo relationship and fulfill their dark fantasies. However that was slightly disturbed by Goutam’s weekend staying ( Saturday & Sunday ) at Calcutta as he … Read more

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