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Sci-fi:Sex in zero gravity simulator

S4SOct 4, 2021
Her suite, bra and panties were floating I grabed them and gave it to her she was very happy with this different experience I fucked her 2 days in the same way after that I went back to earth for my launch which was in 7 days and needed to train in group simulator as … Read more

American Beauty – Being beautiful has its disadvantages

S4SJul 22, 2020
“But . . .” “And the reason you do that is not because you’re arrogant or egotistical but because you’re scared. You’re afraid to take a risk, afraid to put yourself out there because you might make a bad choice. So you wind up hiding behind your beauty, hoping that Mr. Right will eventually find … Read more

3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck

S4SMar 22, 2018
We discussed trying it again next vacation, but every time we get worked up we find ourselves fucking. Somehow we always come to our senses telling ourselves, “It was a one time experiment. It was a one in a trillion series of events that fell into place. Our marriage is still intact, and we’d like … Read more

Bad Neighbor

S4SJan 2, 2019
Added by PaulRemy Small town wife is now public property – PART 1It’s My Life – 28

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