Sexy Cousin Jenny

“I knew I could be exclusive with her, and I had lost interest in men by that time, so I went off birth control. There was no reason to be on it. Soon after that, I officially came out as a lesbian. I told all my friends. I told old my parents, which I thought was a good idea because I was going to see them at the re-union, so I figured we’d have a chance to talk about it.”

“Yeah. Didn’t work out though, huh?”

“Two things happened that I didn’t expect. First, mom and dad blabbed to everyone, so I walked into this tornado of scorn and negativity and weirdness at the re-union. I felt completely blindsided. And the other thing…my body went absolutely insane when I went off birth control.”

Jenny moved. Her legs, her hips…suddenly she was straddling me. Lying with her full weight on top of me. She slid her breasts across my chest. Her pussy pressed against my shaft, only two thin layers of fabric separating us.

“Jenny, we shouldn’t–“

“Shhhh,” she said. Her lips met mine, and we kissed. Our tongues met, but it was gentle and sweetly seductive. She giggled and pulled her mouth away. The weight of her slender body against me was absolutely intoxicating.

“Back to the story,” she said. “The day I was flying out for re-union, I started ovulating for the first time since I went off the pill. My body, my emotions, went out of control. I spent the whole morning fucking Dalia and crying about how I didn’t want to leave. At the airport, and later on the plane, I couldn’t stop crying, except when I went into a bathroom to masturbate. I felt like my whole body was screaming for a cock. I started questioning how I could be a lesbian if I was feeling that way.” Her hips were moving. She was grinding on me now. We both moaned this time. After a long shiver, she continued.

“When I got to Grandma’s house…the whole family was just horrible. I was trying to keep it together. If you hadn’t been there, I would have just died. You kept me together the whole weekend. You were ca, and sweet, and caring. You fucking fought for me, but then you became so gentle and caring after that. You centered me, you calmed me down. Just being there, your energy…you’re so sweet and amazing and you don’t even know it.”

She pushed her upper body away from me, so she was sitting up. It out more of her weight on my cock.

“Close your eyes,” she said, and I did. There was a rustling of fabric on skin, then her body came back down to me. The first thing I felt were her nipples, harder and sharper…then her breasts, smoother and warmer…my hands touched her back and felt nothing but skin. She had taken off her top.

“Jenny,” I breathed. “What are you–” She hushed me again with a finger to my lips.

“Shhh baby,” she said. “It’s okay. I just need you next to me…just need to feel you, all of you, it’s what my body needs right now. This is what I’d be doing with Dalia right now…not fucking, just…just feeling her against my body…her warmth…her skin…her strength…”

“But I–“

“Shhhh….don’t worry…I know I can trust you.” Her smooth beautiful skin, touching me everywhere, gave me chills.

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