Summertime Bondage for Bi-Dads in their tricked-out VW Bus

My penis-head felt like it weighed ten pounds, bobbing up and down most uncomfortably. Sneaking a look at Roger from time to time was enough to make my own tongue hard.

Panting and sweated up, we ran our way to the center of the clearing.

We stood looking at each other.

Roger’s round taut belly, those sturdy legs. Balls drawn up in that furry nest.

And a cock pointing straight out.

I couldn’t wait.

I spread out the blanket, dropped to my knees, and took his cock-head into my mouth.

The gates of heaven opened. My lips as well.

I tongued him good, got him all wet and slobbery, then withdrew to admire my mouth-work.

His penis stood out straight, pointing right at me, lovely sunlight on the shining skin surface.

Then my mind went into gear, driven by some outside force, and I began to recite some words that had arrived out of the blue.

Our Phallus, who art from Roger
Orgasm be thy name
Thy semen will come
Thy balls be done
From loins to mouth, my heaven…

Roger threw back his head and laughed. His penis shook with the rest of his body.

“Where’d that come from? How’s the rest go?”

I shook my head.

“I dunno. That’s all for now, the words just popped into the cranium. I’ll have to work on it.”

I looked up at him.

“I assume I can keep worshiping at the sperm shrine though? Even though I don’t have the rest of the prayer completed yet?”

Roger didn’t say anything, just looked at me and pushed his cock into my face.

Sometimes I can go slow, extend things so that excitement is prolonged. This was not one of those times.

I went back to Roger’s cock, not straight out anymore but more pointing skyward, but not before licking and nuzzling his balls from underneath.

He spread his legs a little to give me better access, and I got great enjoyment out of slicking them up, easing each egg around in my mouth, my nose buried in the unmistakable scent of his groin hair, sweaty and earthy, all of it enough to make my own cock twitch.

Then lips around his cock-head, licks to his frenulum, until he started humping into me.

I held his ass cheeks while they squeezed, and he jetted four good streams of sperm into my mouth. His hips got slower with each push, each pulse from his cock just a bit less energetic than the one before. He went soft quick in my mouth, my tongue still working him, wanting him to stay wet and close for a long time.

But he slopped out.

We spread the blanket and lay down next to each other. Roger’s eyes went off to the sky and the tree tops framing our view.

We lay for some time, until I found his hand reaching for my prick.

My turn went slower. His own cock was recovering, me in no rush for my pleasure.

We did the usual things. He stroked me. Licked my balls while he nestled between my legs. Lay down on his back while I ran the underside of my prick over his face and then dropped my cock-head into his mouth.

In maybe twenty or thirty minutes, both of us taking frequent breaks and just looking at each other, he was hard again himself.

We finished each other in a sixty-nine, hadn’t done that in awhile. Roger on top, I loved the way he humped his hips into my face, his balls right above me and he pushed out another good gusher of sperm. His own excitement was enough to send my own sperm forth, and we each nursed at each other’s cock until Roger couldn’t take any more contact and he rolled off.

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