Summertime Bondage for Bi-Dads in their tricked-out VW Bus

I desperately wanted to test things out but really didn’t want to risk having Barb barge in on us. I figured we might try the following Sunday.


Once I had everything arranged in the bus to my satisfaction the next afternoon, however, a dilemma appeared.

“Do you want a blindfold?” I asked. The thought had never occurred to me.

Roger blinked and looked at me. We had no idea, really, what we were doing.

“I dunno.” I could see him thinking. “Do you even have one? I’ll probably keep my eyes closed anyway, but without a covering I’ll have the choice of whether I can see anything or not.”

We were as green at this as a couple of early May apples.

“Guess not.”

“Probably just as well, since I don’t have one anyway,” I answered. But if he’d said “yes” I would have used a clean bandanna I kept in the front of the van to wrap around his face.

I sat back on my haunches in the van and looked at my work.

We’d driven out of town and up Douglas Road, one of our more favored dirt trails since we never saw anyone else use it. Parked just a bit off-road, and out of sight, behind a screening clump of evergreens. Slightly overcast sky, so it wasn’t going to get too hot in the van, even with the windows shut.

I’d tied Roger to the four rings with our soft cotton rope. It took a little experimentation to get things tight enough he couldn’t slip loose easily, but no so tight as pose any problems. We’d flipped a coin to see who went first and he lost. My treat.

So he was spread-eagled out on the floor of the van, the mattress underneath him. I uncovered the mirror alongside the side interior of the bus so the visuals were doubled. Looked good to me, those sturdy thighs, swatches of armpit hair with his arms out. And right dead center, that thicket of thick dark crotch hair and his bulleye’s cock smack in the middle. Soft. For the moment.

My own penis started to stiffen, prompted just by the sight of my buddy. I had thought I’d developed a plan of how I wanted to handle him, certainly had thought about it plenty, but of course I ended up changing my mind straight away.

Novices. Gotta love em.

So instead of teasing Roger erect, my original idea, I straddled his chest, plopped my still fairly soft cock into his mouth and let him tongue me.

I think one of my favorite things in the world, not the most favorite, maybe second, is that stage when my prick is just at the beginning of arousal, just starting to stiffen. All those lovely nerve-endings beginning to recognize that pleasure is imminent. Sensations firing away with at first a languid pleasure, then increasing their frequency and intensity until I am aching for release.

Roger dutifully licked the underside of my penis, stem to stern as it inflated, took just the cock-head into his mouth for a good suck, then licked my balls when I pulled my prick out and pushed testicles into his mouth.

Five minutes and I was hard. Looked good in the mirror, the two of us.

I stared at Roger’s cock. He was hard already, and I hadn’t even touched it yet. Between us in conversation, he often said how uneasy he was with doing “gay” stuff, but then here all it took was putting his tongue on my tool and his own cock responded in kind. The mind is a marvelous thing.

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