Wife learns that many BBC heads are better than one

“I can’t believe you were doing that! What in the fuck were you thinking?”

I was standing in the front yard screaming at my boyfriend, Rob. We were at a party with his basketball buddies, at the house of one of the guys. We had been out on the patio by the pool having drinks and talking; having a really nice time. Rob had excused himself to use the restroom, but when he hadn’t returned after 15 minutes I started to worry, so I went to check. That’s when I walked into the master bedroom and found Rob kissing Suzanne, one of the girls that was always hanging around the team. I stormed out to the front yard with Rob trailing behind exclaiming an alternating mix of weak apologies and lame excuses.

In the yard I stopped and turned around to let him have it, “I can’t believe you were doing that! What in the fuck were you thinking? And with that little slut Suzanne! She’s probably slept with every guy in that house!”

Rob was still making excuses. “I’m sorry, baby! She threw herself at me! I was trying to push her away when you walked in! Really!”

“Yeah, right!” I said, “I saw how hard you were resisting. Next time you should try pushing with your hands instead of your tongue!”

Rob then changed his story, “You’re right. It must have been the booze. It really went to my head.”

I laughed at that, “That wasn’t the head you were thinking with, Rob! If you want to be with Suzanne, just say so. Don’t sneak around behind my back! I’ve noticed you looking at her before!”

At this point Rob started to get defensive, “Don’t you think you’re overreacting? Anyway, you’re no saint yourself, Mara. I saw the way you have looked at Duane and Andre!”

Duane and Andre were two members of Rob’s team. In fact, it was Andre’s front yard where we were now yelling. Rob then tried to play nice and get me to leave with him, “Come on, Mara. I’m sorry! Let’s just leave. Let me take you home and make it up to you.”

I responded, “Don’t give me that crap! I’m not going anywhere with you right now. Possibly never! You can leave though. In fact, you had better leave because I don’t want to be anywhere around you right now!”

Rob tried again, “You can’t stay here. How will you get home?”

“Don’t worry about me!” I half turned to go back into the house, “I’ll be just fine. Maybe I’ll get Andre or Duane to take me home!” I started walking back to the house when I turned around for one last shot as Rob was opening his car door, “Who knows, maybe I’ll get them to do more than that for me!”

I turned my back on Rob and stormed back to the house. I heard Rob call back, “Yeah right, Mara! That’ll be the day. Do whatever you want!” I could swear I heard him mutter a final, “bitch” under his breath. As I neared the front door I could hear Rob squeal his tires as he sped away. That’s when I noticed Andre standing in the front doorway. I wasn’t sure how much he had heard.

“What happened, Mara? Where’s Rob going?

I was just walking past Andre when my emotions finally caught up with me and I started to cry while saying, “I caught that bastard kissing another woman upstairs.” I stopped and leaned in toward Andre as I continued to cry. He quickly responded by putting his arm around me and supported me over to the living room sofa.

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